Reporting Platform
for Online Racist Hate Speech

A project of the
Federal Commission against Racism FCR

Report online racist hate speech

Racist online hate speech ...
... is statements made on the internet in the form of writing, sound or image which disparage a person or group of persons on account of their “race”, skin colour, ethnicity, national origin or religion or which incite, advocate, promote or justify hate against them.

Reports are stored in a database and evaluated. Reported content that meets the criteria of art. 261bis Swiss Criminal Code may trigger a criminal charge.

Reports concerning antisemitism are automatically passed on to the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG), the “Stiftung gegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus” (GRA) (Foundation against Racism and Antisemitism) and the “Coordination Intercommunautaire contre l’Antisémitisme et la Diffamation” (CICAD) (The Intercommunity Coordination Unit against Antisemitism and Defamation). Reports concerning anti-Islamic statements are automatically passed on to the “Föderation islamischer Dachorganisationen Schweiz” (FIDS) (Swiss Federation of Islamic Umbrella Organisations) and to the "DIAC Office - De l'Individuel au Collectif". If you expressly require further advice, your report can be passed on to a specialist advisory service. Personal data will be treated in strict confidence.

If you have suffered racial discrimination and would like to receive advice, you can contact a specialised advisory service:

Advisory Network for Victims of Racism  

This advisory network is a joint venture project between the FCR and the organisation. The 23 participating advisory units provide persons concerned with information, psychosocial support and legal advice and act as intermediaries. Through their wide range of interventions, they make a major contribution to supporting, advising and empowering victims as well as to documenting racist incidents in Switzerland.

Foundation against Racism and Antisemitism (GRA)  

Incidents of racism and antisemitism can be reported to the GRA. The GRA also provides direct links to reporting units and guidelines on various social media platforms and media.

Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG)  

SIG runs a contact centre for antisemitic incidents in German-speaking Switzerland. The advisory service provides persons concerned, institutions and professionals with advice and support. SIG supports victims of antisemitism with making criminal complaints and in dealing with the police and authorities.

The Intercommunity Coordination Unit against Antisemitism and Defamation (CICAD)  

Antisemitic incidents in French-speaking Switzerland can be reported to CICAD. It provides advice and support to victims of antisemitism.

Swiss Federation of Islamic Umbrella Organisations (FIDS)  

FIDS’s contact and legal advice unit primarily deals with issues related to islamophobia.

DIAC office - De l'Individuel au Collectif  

Anti-Muslim incidents perpetrated in Switzerland can be reported to the DIAC office. As a listening centre and observatory on Muslim racism, the office collects testimonies and studies the phenomenon in Switzerland.

The Federal Commission against Racism (FCR)   

The FCR provides people who have experienced and witnessed racism and racial discrimination with advice and information.

You can contact the following organisations about other forms of online hate speech (e.g. sexism, homophobia):

LGBTIQ Helpline  

The LGBTIQ helpline is a reporting unit and advisory platform for victims of anti-LGBTIQ violence. The queer peer advisors look at every report, listen and provide answers or refer people to the most relevant organisation.


Provides victims of digital violence with support and expert advice free of charge: management of social media profile, organised objection/reply, research and specialist legal advice.

Stop Hate Speech  

This project has launched a trial using an algorithm to detect online hate speech. A digital point of contact is also being set up to provide anyone affected with information.

More useful links:

Service for Combating Racism

Youth and Media

Research project on hateful images

No Hate Speech Movement European Council